Sama Sama, The World's First Rhythm, Music, and Technology Park
Sama Sama, the world's first rhythm, music, and technology park, was established and distributed in Israel by FaZa together with a group of Israeli partners and was also exhibited in Madrid. Following its success, the venture was acquired by Cirque du Soleil.
Sama Sama was an event for all ages - a unique interactive entertainment park designed to engage all the senses. Innovative installations, interesting and electrifying sounds created the magnificent infrastructure for this park. The audience was invited to explore and try unique and original musical instruments developed specifically for the park, such as: interactive musical boards, musical light beams, lasers creating different sounds, a musical playground, and more. Imagine a huge group of people, with no prior knowledge or experience in music, playing and dancing together in perfect harmony, creating in real-time an event of their own making, a complete experience of humor, joy, and most importantly, FUN. The innovative technological language allowed participants to express themselves and experience music and rhythm in a new way, in the world's first park of its kind that spread as a playground over 20,000 square meters under the open sky.